Rules & Scoring

Dance Champs Elite’s mantra is “Where EVERYONE is Treated Like Royalty”. It is our goal to ensure you EXPERIENCE our ROYAL Difference! Each and every member of our team’s top priority is to ensure that Every Dancer, Teacher, Director, Parent and Fan feel special and our event is a memorable one for ALL!

At Dance Champs Elite, we not only treat you like Royalty, but request that all studios joining our Royal Dance Family do the same! We encourage studio spirit and camaraderie among all studios. We promote Positivity, Respect and Encouragement at our events and require that all studios that join our Royal Dance Family do the same!

We aim to create a healthy competitive environment in which dancers can enjoy themselves while gaining valuable performance experience as well as learning the nature of healthy competition.

We have made several changes, refinements and improvements for the 2024 season to enhance your competition experience with us. Our Rules are subject to change. Check this page for the most up to date version of our Rules.

Studio Directors, for pricing information please create an account on our online registration system. Please note, your profile will go into review for approval and you will be notified once it is approved.


2024 Regional Rules & Regulations

Entry Divisions
Category# of DancersTime Limits
Solo13:00 minutes
Duo/Trio2-33:00 minutes
Small Group4-93:00 minutes
Large Group10-194:00 minutes
Line20+5:00 minutes
Production15+8:00 minutes

A Solo performer may not compete against themselves in any given category. If the same soloist has more than one solo, only the highest scoring routine will be eligible for overall high score. A soloist can only place in the overall awards once. 

We reserve the right to limit solos to 3 routines per dancer, depending on the venue capability and space.

*Duet/Trio, groups, lines and production may not  compete against themselves in the same performance category/level with the same performers. There must be less than a 50% difference in performers to be in the same age division/same category.

Lines – performances can portray a theme or style of dance, but should not portray a storyline, plot or narrative.       

*Production – May combine all ages and abilities, and may be a combination of dance styles. Performances must portray a storyline, plot or narrative throughout, resembling that of a film, book, play, musical, etc. Productions will all compete in the Majesty (Intermediate) or Supremacy (Advance) levels ONLY.

Any dancer taking the stage before/during/at the end of a routine must be a registered dancer to the routine, regardless of the amount of time the dancer is present on stage. This includes any person who can be seen by the judges for any amount of time or the performer who may be in a costume that covers their face.

*Extended Time: Additional time (by the minute) can be purchased for any routine that exceeds the time limits listed above. Routines that exceed the time limit AND do not purchase extra time in advance, may be penalized one overall point deduction from each judge. 

Age Divisions

All ages for the season are calculated AS OF JANUARY 1 of the current year.

The average age of the dancers will determine the age division the entry will be competing in. To determine the average age of a routine, add all of the dancers ages and divide by the number of dancers in that routine. DO NOT ROUND UP.

*If a routine consists of multiple performers in different age divisions, that routine can only compete in one age group lower than their oldest dancer, regardless of the average age. Ex: A routine has juniors, teens, and seniors with the average age being junior that routine can only compete in the teen division as it is one age group below the oldest dancer. This does not apply to Productions – Average age will determine where all productions are placed. Routines are allowed to “age up” (compete in an age division higher than the average age) at the teacher’s/studio owner’s discretion.

Dancers maintain their Regional Age at Nationals. You must recalculate the average age of a routine for Nationals if any of the dancers in a routine change.

Adult Age Division: All soloist, 20 years old or above, will compete in our adult division. All levels in the Adult division will be combined for High-Score awards. Adults may include teachers, professionals, parents, etc. Any group, line or production entry containing a dancer that is 20+ years in age will automatically compete no lower than the senior age division, regardless of the average age of the entry. 

Performers may be required to present proof of age in the form of a birth certificate if an issue regarding age occurs. All protests must be in writing and presented to the director of DCE by the studio owner/director within 1 hour of the incident. All protests must be signed.

Age DivisionAge
Mini6 Years Old & Under
Petite7 – 9 Years Old
Junior10 – 12 Years Old
Teen13 – 15 Years Old
Senior16 – 19 Years Old
Adult20 Years Old & Up
Performance Levels


We understand that competing studios may have different skill levels, so Dance Champs is proud to offer FOUR separate levels of competition.

Our competitive levels are designed to give dancers an opportunity to compete fairly against other dancers, at their same level. This allows dancers to build confidence and self-esteem, as we are always striving to keep every dancer’s competition experience positive and inspirational. Dance Champs encourages studio directors and instructors to use their best judgment in choosing the competitive level for each individual dancer. Carefully read each levels criteria below to ensure your dancers are challenged and tabulated fairly amongst their peers. 

Consider the following when determining which Performance level best fits your dancer:

  • How many years of dance experience do they have?
  • How many years of competition experience do they have?
  • How many hours of technical dance training do they take per week (total class time, not each discipline of dance)?
  • How many routines are they in (listed below, excluding productions)?
  • What are their technical skill abilities (see skills below)?
  • How was their past Scoring? Example: a dancer who consistently wins in the Majesty level is demonstrating that they have mastered that level and should move to the Supremacy level. Likewise, a dancer who needs to strengthen their core or has not mastered the more difficult technical elements of the Supremacy level might try competing in the Majesty level until they are stronger.
  • Place your dancer where they can be challenged but also gain confidence to become a better dancer.
  • Choreography, if a dancer is executing quadruple turn and has the control to stop on a dime, they are too advanced for Majesty.

Nobility- This level has been designed specifically for children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities. We are excited to offer dancer’s a level to be judged fairly and an opportunity to freely communicate through dance regardless of their abilities or challenges. This level will be adjudicated as well as receive overall high score placement within the entries division. When registering you will be able to let us know your specific dancers’ challenges in our notes section.

*Duo/Trio routines with 1 or more dancers in the Nobility level can be entered at the Nobility level.

*50% or more of the individual dancers in a group must be in the Nobility level for the routine, as a whole, to be placed in the Nobility level.

Royalty (Novice)- This level is designed for our dancers who are just beginning their dance training and competitive journey and to get the feel for competition, stage performances, judges, audiences, etc. It is NOT mandatory that beginner dancers enter at this Level. We want this level to be fair and non-intimidating to our new dancers, and encourage a healthy introduction to the competitive experience.

A dancer in this level:

  • Has limited to no competition experience.
  • Must not train more than 3 hours per week including dance / acrobatics.
  • Is eligible to compete in up to 7 routines (excluding productions).
  • Shows understanding of the movements, technique, and expression in a routine, but skills are not yet mastered, and show signs of unsteadiness and improper control. 
  • Is learning proper posture, core strength, visual lines, and expression through movement without the ability to display complete alignment, expression, or maintain posture throughout all skills and movement. 
  • Demonstrates understanding of the music but does not express clearly in all movements.
  • Tap sounds in this level should be simple, needing improvement in clarity and definition. Dancers should demonstrate an introductory knowledge of dynamics, rhythm, and timing and implement basic combinations in choreography.

Royalty skills may include:

Single/Double Pirouettes, 1-2 Fouettes or A la Secondes, Fan Kick, Pivot Turn, Triplets, Châiné Turns, Piqué Turns, Grand Jeté, Saut de Chat, Center Leap, Side Leap, Forward Roll, Backward Roll, Backbend, Front Walkover, Back Walkover, Cartwheel, Split, Straddle, Handstand, Round-Off, Valdez, Front Walkover, Worm, Slow Isolation, Pin Drop, Coffee Grinder, Shuffles, Flap, Ball Change, Cramp Roll

*Limited use of levels and stage

Majesty (Intermediate)- This level is designed for dancers who may not be considered beginner because of previous dance experience, but are starting to master demonstrating moderate to average technique and polish. 

A dancer in this level:

  • Has some competition experience.
  • Must not train more than 6 hours per week including dance / acrobatics.
  • Is eligible to compete in up to 10 routines (excluding productions).
  • Shows understanding of the movements, technique, and expression in a routine. Skills are executed with minor inconsistencies in steadiness and control.
  • Is able to display proper posture, core strength, visual lines, and expression through movement in mastered skills but is not able to maintain complete alignment, expression, or maintain posture throughout all skills and movements.
  • Demonstrates understanding of music and connection to the rhythm, message, and overall style.  
  • Tap sounds in this level are clear yet softer. Dancers demonstrate a moderate knowledge of dynamics, rhythm, and timing and implement intermediate combinations in choreography. 

Majesty skills may include all of Royalty skills plus: 

Double/Triple Pirouettes, 3-5 Fouettes or A la Secondes, Single leg hold turn, Leg Extension, Calypso, Reverse Leap, Tilt Leap, Open Pas de Chat, Ring Leap, Switch Leap, Dive Roll, Diving Front Walkover, Front or Back Walkovers, Front or Back Back Limbers, Front or Back Handspring, Chin Stand, Aerial, Helicopter, Windmill, Two-Handed Hops, Illusions, Bow and Arrow, Scorpion, K Stands, Jams, CC’s, Six Step, Swipe, Paradiddle, Wings, Pullbacks, Paddle Turns, Toe Stands or Toe Stand Turns

*Moderate use of levels and stage

Supremacy (Advance)- This level is designed for advance dancers who have years of competition experience and/or are ready for the highest and most competitive competition. This is also a place for a good dancer to become a great dancer and be challenged.

A dancer in this level:

  • Has extensive competition experience.
  • Train for several hours per week.
  • Is eligible to compete in an unlimited number of routines.
  • Shows understanding of the movements, technique, and expression in a routine. Skills are executed with little to no inconsistencies in steadiness, control, or precision. 
  • Is able to display proper posture, core strength, visual lines, and expression through movement in all skills.
  • Has mastered a connection to the music and uses movement to express all artistic elements within the performance. 
  • Tap sounds in this level are clear and defined. Dancer demonstrates a mastery of dynamics, rhythm and timing and implements advanced combinations in choreography. 

Supremacy skills may include all of Royalty & Majesty skills plus: 

3 or more consecutive pirouettes, 5 or more Fouettes or A la Secondes, Double Attitude Turns, Double Leg Hold Turns, Switch Center, Switch Tilt Leap, Switch Arabesque, Leaps with Over Split, Penché, Leg Spins, Reverse Split, Front and Back Flips, Back Tuck, Full, Layout, Side Somi, Whip Back, Bounders, Connected Tumbling, Shushunova, Arabian Mounters, Multiple Aerials, Flat Isolations, Freezes, Windmills, Flares, Toe Wings, Double Wings, Tow Stand Turns, Single Leg Wings, Double Pullbacks, Cincinnati, Syncopated Rhythms

*Advanced use of levels and stage

*Solo Routines- The level of the routine must match the level of the dancer and may not be bumped to a higher or lower level. All solos performed by a single dancer must compete at the same level. All solo entries for all levels/ages are eligible to enter for title (Max. 4 per dancer)

*Duo/Trio, Groups, Line & Production- The level for each routine is determined by the level of the dancers registered in the routine and is set automatically by our registration system once each individual dancers’ levels are entered. Each level is assigned a point value in our registration system:

Nobility = 1 | Royalty = 2 | Majesty = 3 | Supremacy = 4

The majority level of each dancer in a routine will determine the level of the routine.

Example: 1-Supremacy Dancer (1 x 4= 4pts) and 8-Majesty Dancers (8 x 3= 24pts) will determine the routine to be in the Majesty Level. In the event that there are equal number of level performers in a routine, the system will default to the higher level of the performers. EXAMPLE: 4-Majesty level dancers (4 x 3= 12pts) and 6-Royalty level dancers (6 x 2= 12pts) will determine the routine to be in the Majesty Level.

*All routines can include dancers of all levels. If the routine includes dancers from multiple levels, the routine will default to the level with the most points. If the routine contains an equal number of dancers from multiple levels, the routine will default to the highest participating level.

*Studio Directors may request routines be placed in a higher performance level than the average of the participants or up to One performance level below the highest-level dancer. This must be done PRIOR to the competition. Studios can not request level changes at the competition. All requests should be sent to [email protected].

Example: A trio with 1-Royalty (1 x 2= 2pts), 1-Majesty (1 x 3= 3pts) & 1-Supremacy dancer (1 x 4= 4pts), our registration system will automatically default to the Supremacy level. However, if the studio owner feels the trio is best suited for a lower level; the lowest level a studio owner can request a change to, is our Majesty level, One level below the highest-level dancer.

*Dance Champs has limited the number of routines a dancer in each level can perform in an effort to keep the levels as accurate as possible. If a dancer exceeds the maximum number of routines for a level (as listed above), that dancer’s level will automatically be bumped to the next highest level. This will affect the level of all routines for which that dancer is registered and the level of all such routines will automatically be re-calculated.

*Placement in any level for each dancer is left to the discretion of the instructor strictly based on the dancers technical skill abilities. Dance Champs encourages all Studio Owners/Instructors to carefully read the above listed criteria before adding each dancers level in our registration system to ensure a fun and fair competition for all and to ensure each routine is tabulated correctly.  

*Dance Champs reserves the right to move a routine to the next level if it is incorrectly placed. Routines can be moved up but not down. If during a performance the Judges unanimously agree the level needs to be bumped up, the Studio Owner and/or Teacher will be notified on site, and the routine will be moved to the appropriate level. All Judges decisions are final.

*The Mini Soloist (6 & Under) can only register in the Nobility, Royalty or Majesty level.

*Supremacy(Advance) dancers can not perform in the Royalty(Novice) division. However, a Supremacy dancer can perform in the Nobility division if the routine consists of 50% or more Nobility dancers.

*All Productions can consist of dancers of all ages/levels and will automatically default to either the Majesty(Intermediate) or Supremacy(Advance) level ONLY.

*All routines in each level will be adjudicated, as well as receive overall high score placement within the entries age/entry division.

Performance Categories
AcroA routine using controlled moves such as front/back walkovers, limbers, handstands, headstands, cartwheels, round offs etc. Can contain gymnastic passes. Can contain flexibility moves or contortionist moves. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
BalletRoutine must consist of ballet technique. Must include classical steps and movements. No pointe shoes allowed. No Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category.
A routine portraying a recognizable character throughout. Character may be from a play, movie, television show, Broadway, or a stereotype such as a farmer, policeman, etc. The character portrayed must be listed on the entry form, and it will be published in the program book. May incorporate either dance or acrobatic techniques. Any number of Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
CloggingA routine containing Clogging technique. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible.
ContemporaryRoutine should utilize contemporary style to show extension and balance, can combine lyrical, ballet, and modern, going beyond the standard jazz vocabulary to interpret the music. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
Folk/EthnicA routine that uses any ethnic style of dance (African, Hawaiian, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Indian, Flamenco, and Tahitian) and is specific to the region. Any number of Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
Hip HopRoutine consisting primarily of Hip Hop Technique. Break dancing, street funk, and pop & lock are also included in this category. Any number of Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
JazzA routine that utilizes jazz technique such as splits, isolation, leaps, etc. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible.
LyricalRoutine combining the techniques of Jazz, Ballet, and Modern, utilizing the lyrics or mood of the song. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible.
ModernPerformance must consist of interpretive movements using modern technique such as natural movements focused on the “core” of the body with coordination between breathing and movement as well as a dancer’s relationship with the floor. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible.
Musical TheaterBroadway/Theater dance styles using songs from “Broadway”, “Off Broadway”, or movie/television musicals. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible (Pantomime may/may not be used).
OpenAny of our listed categories, combinations of listed category styles, or any style of dance not previously listed. Any number of Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category. Must contain 50% dance moves, steps, and choreography.
PointeA routine that consists of pointe technique. Pointe shoes must be worn. No Acro/Gymnastic tricks are allowed in this category.
Pom/DrillA drill/dance team style performance which may or may not include poms.
TapRoutine must contain tap technique and primarily tap work. No pre-recorded tap sounds allowed on music. Up to three Acro/Gymnastic tricks are permissible.
VocalSimultaneous dancing while singing. Routine may be any type of vocal presentation. Accompaniment must be pre-recorded and must contain only backup vocals, no lead vocals are permitted. One handheld, wireless microphone is provided by DCE.

A Solo performer may not compete against themselves in any given category. If the same soloist has more than one solo, only the highest scoring routine will be eligible for overall high score. A soloist can only place in the overall awards once. 

In some of the above dance categories, acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. An acro/gymnastic trick is defined as movements that pass through or stop at a fully inverted (upside down) position with both feet off the floor (the torso passing or stopping directly over the top of one’s head/shoulders). Acro/gymnastic tricks include: forward rolls/backward rolls, headstands, handstands, handstand rolls, chin stands, shoulder rolls/chest rolls, cartwheels, roundoffs, walkovers, aerials, handsprings, tucks, pikes, layouts, fulls. A tumbling pass is considered one acro/gymnastic trick. Lifts with other dancers are not considered acro/gymnastic tricks. Lifts that incorporate any of the acro/gymnastic tricks listed above within the lift, would then be considered an acro/gymnastic trick.

The Pointe category can only be entered in the Majesty and Supremacy levels.

*Student Choreography- Please check the box on the entries registration if a routine is choreographed by a current dancer participating in the registered competition.  All student-choreographed routines are eligible for a specialty award.

*We urge all studio owners, teachers and parents to keep performances, costumes and choreography age and themed appropriate. Any routine deemed to be inappropriate by the Dance Champs judges or management will be subjected to a deduction or disqualification.


All Entries must be submitted Online through your Dance Comp Genie account. We do not accept Paper Registrations. 

Registration is accepted on a first come first served basis and is limited to the amount of competition time available. This varies by city. Many of our events reach capacity well before the deadline and any entries exceeding the limit will be turned away.  

There are no limits to the number of entries a studio may register, unless otherwise noted on the Event Details page. All routines will be adjudicated.

**IMPORTANT: Once registration is complete, please review ALL entries are entered CORRECTLY!

i.e., ROUTINE TITLE, PARTICIPANT NAME(s), as they should appear in the Program. ENSURE the proper AGE DIVISIONS, PERFORMANCE CATEGORIES and LEVELS are entered correctly. This is to avoid any additional fees that may be added if changes have to be made. (See Changes and Late Entry Fees, under the Entry Fees and Royal Discounts Tab)

Independent Entries

Dance Champs Elite ACCEPTS independent entries. Independent performers are subject to a one-time fee per registration. Dancers are allowed to compete without their full studio present. All Entries must be submitted Online through your Dance Comp Genie account. We do not accept Paper Registrations.  All event communication and details will be emailed to the address which is associated with your Dance Comp Genie account. 

Entry Fees, Cancellations/Refund, and Royal Discounts

Entry fees can be located by logging in to your Dance Comp Genie account. This information will be shared with studio owners/faculty only and is not publicly posted anywhere.


All fees must be paid by studio check, credit card, or cashier check. Payment by check is appreciated and can be mailed to 12 Osprey Drive, South Amboy, NJ 08879. Personal checks will only be accepted 30 days or more prior to the event. Credit card payments can only be made through the online registration system.  We cannot accept credit card payment over the phone. A 4% service charge will be added to all credit card payments. Entries are not secured until a deposit or payment has been made in full.

Entry fees are due 30 days prior to the first event date. All payments less than 30 days of the event must be paid by credit card or cashier check ONLY.  Absolutely no personal checks for entries will be taken at the event, and any unpaid entries will not be allowed to perform.​ No entries will be accepted at the event. There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks. 

Once an event is announced as “Sold Out”, you will be required to make a 25% deposit based on 100% of the entry fees to secure your entries spot, if you have not yet paid in full.

Early Royal Discounts
To be eligible for the Early Royal 10% Discount you must have entries registered and make a $500 non-refundable deposit. If you do not have all entries registered and deposit paid by the advertised due date, the Early Royal Discount will be removed.

*In order for the discount to be applied a minimum of $2,500 in entry fees must be met. If entry fees do not reach $2,500 before all Early Royal Discounts, you will not be eligible for said discount.

Regal Rewards

Resister 15 – 30 Entries1 FREE Solo
Resister 31 – 50 Entries2 FREE Solo
Resister 51 – 80 Entries3 FREE Solo
Resister 81 or more Entries4 FREE Solo

Discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer, other than Early Royal Discount. Please email or call our event producer, Sharon Stevenson, with any questions [email protected] / 888-545-9161 ext.1

Changes and Late Entry Fees
Mailed in payments must be postmarked by registration deadline to avoid said late fees. Any changes made to existing entries within 15 days of event date will be subject to a $10 change fee per change. Any payments or entries added after the registration deadline will be subject to a $10 late fee per dancer. All fees are non-refundable, NO EXCEPTIONS.

IMPORTANT: Please review over your Preliminary Schedules very closely prior to the Final Schedule being sent. Notify our Registration/Scheduling Coordinator, Dee Alvoeiro, via email, [email protected]  immediately of any changes.

A studio credit may be issued for the removal of an injured dancer if a doctor’s note is provided prior to the start of the competition. Any cancellations of entries/dancers made by the studio less than 30 days prior to the competition, will result in a loss of all deposits and entry fees for that event. Studio credits are applicable towards the entry fees of all DCE events (excluding deposits). Studio credits must be used by the studio they were awarded to. We do not offer refunds in the case of day-of scratches/injury/dropped dancer. No credits will be issued during or after the completion of the event.

DCE reserves the right to expand or reduce any and all competitions from/to a multiple day event.

DCE reserves the right to change an event’s location, venue and/or date(s). Upon changing a location, venue and/or date(s), a representative from DCE will contact all registered studios via phone or email. DCE will not be held liable for any costs endured for any type of travel arrangements made upon cancelling an event or an event selling out, including but not limited to: hotel fees, transportation fees or bank fees. We HIGHLY recommend registering for an event prior to making ANY travel arrangements.

Circumstances beyond the control of Dance Champs Elite Competition such as: weather related issues, facility condition, and technical difficulties bears no responsibility to DCE and no refunds will be given.

Furthermore, DCE reserves the right to change a venue, reschedule or cancel any and all events that do not meet the minimum number of acceptable entries, venue issues/concerns, inclement weather, health crises or other unforeseen circumstances. In the event of a cancelled competition all entry fees will be refunded. NO refunds/credits will be issued if the event is taken place or rescheduled.

Please do not hesitate to contact DCE with any other questions or concerns.

Judging and Video Critiques

*NEW this year At each competition a panel of three qualified judges, who are well versed in all categories, will score and critiques each routine. One judge on the panel is for Teachers and Studio Owners only. This judge is there to dig a little deeper into choreography, costuming, content, staging and training tips for the Teachers ONLY! We hope that this will provide the teacher’s with feedback to continue growth from the teacher side of things. The other two judges will be speaking to the dancers to help with routine cleanliness, technique advice, performance tips and timing. These comments will always stay constructive and positive for the students to grow and learn from.

All video critiques and score sheets will be available to studio owners/directors ONLY and will be uploaded to the studio’s Dance Comp Genie account within 3 business days of the events completion. Each Individual video critique may be downloaded for future review.

All participants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the competition shall be solely within the discretion of DCE and a panel of well-qualified judges. Judges break all ties. All decisions of the judges will be accepted as final. No teacher, student, or parent will question a judge.

No bystander may approach the judging table or the judges themselves during the competition. Bystanders include but are not limited to: studio directors, teachers, parents and dancers.

Adjudication & Overall High Score

All entries in the Nobility, Royalty, Majesty and Supremacy performance levels will be scored on a 300 point system by a panel of three qualified judges. Each judge will score the routines out of 100 possible points. The three scores will be added to produce the total adjudication and overall high score placement.


Each entry will be judged on the following scoring criteria:

  • Technique- 35 points
  • Performance/Execution- 25 points
  • Stage Presence- 20 points
  • Musicality/Timing- 20 points


Each entry will receive an Adjudicated Award indicating their achievement based on the scoring system for each level of competition. Here at DCE, we do give out ALL adjudication levels.

AwardTotal Score Range
Crown Jewel295 – 300.00
Diamond290 – 294.99
Platinum280 – 289.99
Gold270 – 279.99
Silver269.99 & below


In addition to adjudicated awards, DCE will recognize up to the Top 10 highest scores in each Age Division (Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen and Senior) and  Performance Level (Nobility, Royalty, Majesty and Supremacy) for all Solos, Duos/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups and Lines, if applicable. All Productions will be combined in two age groups 12 & under and 13 & over and two levels Majesty (Intermediate) and Supremacy (Advance).  The number of entries recognized is based on how many entries are in each division. For these High-Score awards, all genres will be combined.

All routines must perform on the same day or before their awards ceremony to be eligible for High-Score awards.

Should a routine drop below the minimum number requirement for the registered group, line or production size during the competition and the routines new division has already competed/awarded, will compete for adjudication only and is ineligible for High-Score awards.

Example– Teen Majesty Line of 20 dancers had a dancer not able to perform, this will now make their new division Teen Majesty Large Group, which has already performed and received their awards. This routine will now only be adjudicated.

Should a routine drop below the minimum number requirement for the group, line or production size after the program is printed and DCE is notified before the start of the competition, may compete in the appropriate division and time for High-Score awards.

In the event of a tie the Technique score will be used first to break the tie. If this does not break the tie, we then go to the Performance/Execution scores. At this point, if there is still a tie, the judges’ panel will determine the winner. The judges’ decisions are final.

Routines competing against themselves will be judged against a point system and must receive a platinum or higher in order to be eligible for High-Score awards.

Adult Age Division: All soloist, 20 years old or above, will compete in our adult division. All levels in the Adult division will be combined for High-Score awards. Adults may include teachers, professionals, parents, etc. 

# of Routines EnteredOverall Top:
10+ EntriesTop 10
5-9 EntriesTop 5
3-4 EntriesTop 3
2 EntriesTop 2
1 EntriesTop 1, as long as a Platinum or higher award is received

A Solo performer may not compete against themselves in any given category. If the same soloist has more than one solo, only the highest scoring routine will be eligible for overall high score. A soloist can only place in the overall awards once. 

Duo/Trios, Groups, Lines & Productions are allowed to compete in the same category and age group as long as at least 50% of the routine is made up of different dancers.  This means that dancers must never compete against themselves in the same age group and category.


All Dynasty Dollars/Cash Prizes will be awarded to the studio.

Dynasty Dollars will be given to the first place High Score Award winners in the Royalty, Majesty and/or Supremacy Divisions when there are 10 or more in each age/entry division.

Cash awards will be given to the first place High Score Award winners in the Supremacy Division & All Productions when there are 10 or more in each age/entry division. *The competition must be hosting at least 350 entries for cash prize award.

Royalty/Majesty/Supremacy: Solo/Duo/Trio – $50; Groups – $75; Lines & Productions – $100

Own the Throne Solo Title

Dance Champs Elite will be hosting our Own the Throne Solo Title Competition at each Regional event.

ALL soloists are eligible to add Title to any/all routine(s), regardless of Age Division: Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen, Senior or Performance Level: Nobility, Royalty, Majesty and Supremacy.  If you wish to have your routine judged for Title, please check the appropriate box while registering your solo on your Dance Comp Genie account. We will not accept Title Registration once the event is closed or at the competition. You must register ahead of time.

Own the Throne Solo Title participants will be incorporated into the Solo Competition and indicated as a Title Contestant in our Program.  Title scores will be determined prior to their solo performance. There will be two separate and unique score sheets; one for the Solo Performance and one for the Title Introduction. All Regional winners and runners-up will receive an invitation to re-compete their winning routine at our Own the Empire National Title Competition.


Title entries will receive a combined score up to 450 possible points, for each routine. 150pts per judge: the Adjudicated Score (100pts) and the On-Stage Introduction (50pts) see further breakdown below.

ADJUDICATED SCORE (300 possible points)–  All Title entries will receive an adjudication score and be eligible for *High-Score awards with their Title routine.

*A Solo performer may not compete against themselves in any given category. If the same soloist has more than one solo, only the highest scoring routine will be eligible for overall high score. A soloist can only place in the overall awards once. 


  • Technique- 35 points
  • Performance/Execution- 25 points
  • Stage Presence- 20 points
  • Musicality/Timing- 20 points

ON-STAGE INTRODUCTION (150 possible points)– Each entry will be announced by our Emcee, participants will walk down center stage, and prepare to introduce themselves to our panel of judges. Their introduction can include: Name, Age, Hometown, followed by a short and informative overview on their performance piece and why they selected this routine for Title. They will then exit the stage to reset for their performance and be re-introduced.

Our Emcee speaks to each participant prior to announcing them to make sure they feel comfortable and are not nervous.


  • Communication- 20 points
  • Informative- 20 points
  • Demeanor- 10 points


If a Title participant has chosen to enter more than one solo in the title competition, they will select a question from our question bank, based on their Age Division (see below). 

Our Emcee speaks to each participant prior to announcing them and asks which question they selected. Our Emcee is there to guide each dancer and make sure they feel comfortable and are not nervous. Participants will walk down center stage, the Emcee will ask for their Name followed by ONE question from a bank of questions (see below), based on their age division. Title Contestants will respond, then exit the stage to reset for their performance and be re-introduced.



#1 Why do you like dancing?


#2 What do you want to be when you grow up?

#3 Why do you enjoy dancing?


#4 Who is your inspiration?

#5 What “genre” of music do you love to dance to the most? Why?


#6 What three characteristics do you feel are most important for dancers to possess?

#7 Who is your role model?

#8 Do you think social media has helped or hurt our society? Why?

#9 Which style of dance do you think is your strongest? Why?

#10 Who/What inspired you to become a dancer?


#11 What has been your greatest accomplishment in dance?

#12 How do you balance your academics, dance and other extracurricular activities?

#13 What is your biggest advice for upcoming dancers?

#14 Who has most influenced you and your dancing?

#15 Why should we select you as the title winner?


  • Solo Title entries MUST have a prepared introduction for their first performance.

  • Your introduction should be no longer than 30 seconds. We recommend that you practice and time your introduction, as this is an integral part in determining our Title winner.

  • Solo Title participants who are competing without competition in their age/level division will instead compete against a minimum combined score of 400 points in order to be crowned the title winner. If the dancer does not meet the minimum scoring requirement, they will still receive a royal recognition for their performance.
  • Males & Females  will compete separately.  

  • Dancers in the 20 & Older age group are NOT eligible to compete for Title.

  • All Runner-Ups in each Age Division and Performance Level will be announced.

  • Regional Title winners and Runner-Ups will receive an invitation to compete in our Own the Empire Title Competition at our Royal Nationals Experience in Atlantic City.


Featured in our Marketing Campaigns, Social Media and Website

Invitation to be Dance Champs Elite’s Ambassador for the upcoming season

Tiara or Cap

Sash or Plaque

DCE Own the Throne Solo Title Winner Shirt (add shirt size on the Title registration)


Own the Throne Regional Title Fee @ $40.00 per entry

Mirror Mirror- Photogenic Award

Participants may submit a recent photograph to be judged for the Mirror Mirror Photogenic Award, in the 12 & Under and 13 & Over Age Divisions. Please add this option while registering your dancer on your Dance Comp Genie account. We will not accept Registration once the event is closed or at the competition. You must register ahead of time.


  • 1 Photo Per Entry

  • All photos must be a High Resolution image or it may not be accepted.

  • All photos must be emailed to [email protected]

  • Photo must include: Studio Name, Participants Name, Age Division, Birthdate, Event Date/Location entered.


Tiara or Plaque


Featured in our Marketing Campaigns, Social Media and Website.

The winner’s photos will be featured in our Royal Nationals Experience competition program. Aside from being featured in our Nationals Program, all of our Regional Mirror Mirror winners will be in the running to be our National Mirror Mirror Winners. The winner will be announced at our Nationals and will be featured in our upcoming season Regional Program. The winner must be present to win.

Mirror Mirror Regional Fee @ $25.00 per entry

Monarch Improv Challenge

Dance Champs Elite is thrilled to offer our Improv Dance Challenge at every event. Each dancer will perform individually to a different song for 30-seconds to randomly selected by our dj! Our judges will base their decision on the dancers originality, musicality, stage presence and technique. If for any reason the judges need another chance to see them all perform, dancers will dance together to a different song for up to 1-minute to help finalize their decision.

Pre-Registration $25 per dancer / On-Site $30 per dancer. Depending on how many dancers sign up, there may be cash prizes awarded.


*Opening Number Invitations: Dance Champs awards Opening Number invitations at each regional event to the Overall Top 3 placing Soloists of our Petite, Junior, Teen and Senior Age Divisions in the Majesty and Supremacy Levels. Selected dancers are invited to join us at our Royal Nationals Experience with or without their studio and participate in the Opening Number for our Battle Royale Grand Finale.  It is a great opportunity to learn from new choreographers and make new friends from across the country while having fun in Atlantic City.

*Caught My Eye: Each Judge will award up to five Judges Choice Awards at their sole discretion, based on what the judges view as eye-catching elements of a routine and are not based on adjudicated scores. These awards are hand-selected and presented on stage by each judge at both Regional and National events.

*Castle Champion Award: Dance Champs will present the studio they felt honored the principles of our competition by; exhibiting the best spirit, sportsmanship and conducted themselves in a positive, friendly and supportive manner to all staff and dancers. These studio members’ infectious positive attitudes encourage an atmosphere of integrity and mutual respect.

*Dynasty Award: Dance Champs acknowledges those studios who are truly providing their dancers with a well-rounded education and training their students in multiple genres of dance. This award will be presented to a studio that enters group routines with at least 5 different styles of dance; Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Contemporary/Lyrical/Modern, Character/Musical Theatre, Ballet/Pointe, Open/Acro. The total of the Top 5 highest group scores will determine the winner.

*Battle at the Castle Award: This award is presented to the studio with 10 or more group, line or production entries, that received the most Crown Jewel awards for any Age Division or Performance Level. In the event of a tie, the award will be given to the studio with the highest overall score.

*Royal Court Award: Our Panel of Judges will present this award to the Choreographer who has displayed exceptional choreography with their solo, duet/trio, group, line or production, regardless of level. The routine with the most nominations by the panel of judges will be deemed the winner of this award. (This is not based on the entries adjudication score). 

*Regal Aristocrat Award: This award is presented to the best Student Choreographed routine at the final awards ceremony of the event. To be eligible for this award, the routine must be choreographed by a student participating as a dancer in the competition. If a routine is choreographed by a student, please check the student choreography box on the entry’s registration

*Standout Performance: This award is presented to Majesty & Supremacy Level entries with the highest overall score in the 12 & Under and 13 & Over age divisions in the following categories: Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Contemporary/Lyrical/Modern, Character/Musical Theatre, Ballet/Pointe, Open/Acro. First in category awards will be awarded when there are 10 or more entries.

*Supreme Ruler Award: Routines that achieve a Near Perfect Score will be recognized and awarded as a Supreme Ruler. Routines will be announced if they score at least 298 cumulative points.

*Imperial Award: This award is presented to the routine with the Highest Technique Score in each level, regardless of age/entry/category division entered. In the event of a tie, the judges’ panel will determine the winner. The judges’ decisions are final.

*Reigning Royalty Award: This award is presented to the Overall Highest Scoring Solo, Duo/Trio, Line & Production routines of the competition in the 12 & Under and 13 & Over age divisions, regardless of performance level, with 5 or more entries.

*ROYAL PALACE RULERS at every regional event, we proudly award this coveted title to our Overall Highest Scoring Groups in the 12 & Under and 13 & Over age divisions. All group entries are automatically entered, regardless of performance level. In the event of a tie, the judges’ panel will determine the winner. The judges’ decisions are final. OUR ROYAL PALACE RULER WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT OUR CORONATION CEREMONY AND PRESENTED WITH…Our Signature Crystal Tiaras or King Snapback, Royal Palace Ruler Grand Champion Banner, Featured in our Marketing Campaigns, Social Media and Website, Invitation to our Nationals Battle Royal Grand Finale for a chance to be crowned our Royal Kingdom Rulers, *$250 Dynasty Dollars or Cash Prize for the Studio at Regionals & $500 Dynasty Dollars or Cash Prize at Nationals. *PLEASE NOTE: The event must be hosting over 300 entries in order for a cash prize to be awarded.

The number and types of awards given out at each competition may change at the discretion of Dance Champs Elite based on the entries registered.


Advanced submission of music must be submitted 2-weeks PRIOR to the date of the competition through your Dance Comp Genie account as an mp3. Music upload is mandatory!  NOTE: The song length will determine each routines length. Please verify that each routines length is the same as the song length or the system will not allow you to upload the music for the specified routine.

Please verify that all music uploads are the correct versions of the song as pitch and speed cannot be adjusted at the event.

Studios must bring a backup for ALL music to the event, in the form of USB. Please label your USB with your studio name.  USB files must be labeled with the Entry Number and Routine Title.  For Example: 107 Beautiful Dreams

Please do NOT bring CDs to the event.

Backstage, Props & Lighting


Teachers should check-in students backstage by the call time listed on their schedule.

Dancers, teachers, studio owners and prop coordinators are the only persons allowed in the wings/backstage area up to 15-minutes prior to their performance. In order to minimize delay, we ask that all parents, family members and audience members remain in the main venue or the lobby. Backstage areas need to remain clear of dancers, parents, and teachers and stay organized all other times.


DCE prides itself on running an organized, on time event. To do so, routines must perform in the order they are scheduled.

If for any reason a routine can not perform during their scheduled time, please inform our backstage coordinator. They will reschedule the routines performance prior to the divisions award ceremony. The routine will still be eligible for adjudication and overall placement awards.

If for any reason a routine can not perform during their scheduled time and prior to the divisions award ceremony, it may perform out of order for adjudication ONLY. The routine will not be eligible for overall placement awards.

Any Studio that delays the competition because they are rehearsing will have points deducted from their total score.


Except for technical difficulties on the part of DCE, A three-point deduction will be made for dancers that leave the stage without completing the performance. At the discretion of our DCE event producer and back stage managers, dancers may have the option to re-perform the routine, but for adjudication only. If they choose to perform again, they will not be eligible for overall placement awards.


Props should be essential to the act and must be carried on & off stage by the performer(s) or your own staff (instructor, parent, coach, etc.).

For safety purposes, all props (hand-held or freestanding) are restricted to a maximum height of 12 feet. The use of safety railings is recommended.

All props must be mobile and under the watch of someone from your studio at all times.

Props must be brought on and off stage in a timely manner (2 minute cumulative). Anything damaging to the stage floor is subject to responsibility of the studio.

Props must be loaded in and out of the venue on the same day they are used.

DCE will not be responsible for props left unattended and will discard any props left behind.

Storing props in the wings or backstage is not permitted.

Scenery or backdrops requiring the use of theater fly bars, or special theater lighting will not be available. Special fog or smoke is not permitted.

No dangerous props may be used on stage such as fire, swords, guns , or knives. Live animals, powders, liquids, glitter, confetti, paint, sand, unweighted helium balloons, etc. are also prohibited on stage at any time. If using Helium balloons, they may not be released on stage or anywhere else in the building.

Any loose props must be cleaned up by the studio members in a timely manner.

Absolutely NO Items may be thrown or shot off the front of the stage at ANY time at any DCE competition.

Dancers may NOT exit or jump off the front of the stage at ANY time at any DCE competition.

Please check the box when you register your routine online if you plan on bringing a prop and write the description of your prop.

We will try to accommodate special requests, PRIOR TO THE FINAL SCHEDULES COMPLETION, for props that take longer than 1 minute to set up. Example: putting the entry right after a judge’s break, awards ceremony, or putting in on at the start of competition to allow extra time to set the prop. In an effort to ensure a smooth competition with on-time award ceremonies, if you have not made special arrangements regarding your prop, prior to the competition, that takes extra time and you go over the allotted time, we will deduct 5 points from said routine. All decisions are final.

**Venues have differing rules regarding prop allowance, storing, and drop off. Please pay close attention to any event details listed or emailed to your studio regarding props.


Special Stage or House Lighting will not be provided or changed for any performance. 

Dressing Room

In the majority of venues, dressing areas will be assigned. All studio representative, parents, dancers and items must remain in your assigned dressing space. DCE cannot be responsible for any items left in the dressing room during or after the event. Men are not allowed in the assigned dressing area. There will be a separate space designated for boys. We ask that all studio owners check their dressing rooms at the end of each day to ensure that the space is neat, orderly and that all personal items are collected. Hallways may NOT be used for changing, makeup application, storage of personal items or for any other reasons other than traveling throughout the building.

All Dancers are required to arrive stage-ready for their first performance, this includes hair, makeup and costumes.

Competition Schedule

A preliminary schedule of your studio’s entries will be emailed to the address which is associated with your Dance Comp Genie account, 2 weeks prior to the competition. Please review ALL entries are entered CORRECTLY! i.e., ROUTINE TITLE, PARTICIPANT NAME(s), as they should appear in the Program. ENSURE the proper AGE DIVISIONS, PERFORMANCE CATEGORIES and LEVELS are entered correctly.  

A final schedule will be available to each studio the Tuesday prior to the first day of competition. Once the final schedule is completed, the ability to make changes and/or corrections is considerably limited, if not impossible. A $10 per change fee will be added to the studio’s account.

Digital copies of our programs will be available under the Event Details page the Tuesday prior to the competition.

DCE does not have a set schedule. Schedules are formulated based on the number and type of entries received to best serve the majority of participants. 

DCE will attempt to accommodate scheduling requests, however, due to the number of requests received, it is not always possible to accommodate everyone. When possible, every regional schedule is based on the breakdown of entries by division level and type (solo, duet/trio, groups, lines and productions) for that particular city. Dancers must be ready to perform 1 hour before their scheduled time.



Every Studio must provide us with a completely filled out Studio Blanket Waiver, listing all participants and parent/guardian signature. We would prefer to have Waivers in prior to the competition, but they may be brought to registration and handed in on the First competition day. No Dancer can compete without being listed and parents’ signature.

Dance Champs Elite, its staff, the hotel, theater or site of the competition will not be responsible for any accident, injury, damage or loss that may occur to anyone participating and/or attending these events. DCE cannot be held responsible for unforeseen flaws in theatre stages that may inadvertently lead to the causing of an accident.  Persons entering the competition and/or participating as a spectator or in any other aspect MUST assume the responsibility for any unforeseen injury.  It is the responsibility of the dance teacher and/or person in charge of the participating entries to educate them and other attendees from their studio as to these rules and policies.


We do allow photos and videos of your Dancers ONLY. There is absolutely NO picture or video taking  allowed in the Dressing Rooms, Restrooms, etc. This is for the safety of the performers and the privacy and safety for the  choreographers. We reserve the right to confiscate all recording devices used during an event and/or disqualify an entry if failure to comply with this rule occurs.

All attending DCE events grant permission for Dance Champs Elite to use any photographs and video taken during the attended competition for promotional purposes including, but not limited to, advertising, publicity, newspapers, brochures, television, videos, newsletters, posting on social media outlets and the Internet.

General Safety & Guidelines

*All attendees must be affiliated with a registered studio/independent in order to attend any and all of our events.

*DCE produces family-friendly events, All inappropriate Music, Costumes and Choreography will not be tolerated. Any routine which contains inappropriate content or profanity will receive a deduction or may be stopped and disqualified. All decisions are final!

*Anyone displaying unsportsmanlike or inappropriate conduct at any time will be asked to leave the event immediately.

*All attendees must abide by any state, local or venue mandates and rules set in place.

*Smoking is prohibited in or around the competition area. We ask that all smokers stand at least 50 yards from the competition venue to preserve the well-being of our dancers, audience and staff members.

*No alcoholic beverages are permitted.

*Please adhere to our no food and beverage policy inside the theater, unless otherwise noted at the venue. Most venues do allow food in the lobby and dressing rooms but please have your dancers clean up around them before leaving.

*Doors to the theatre open thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the competition. Doors for dressing rooms open 1 hour prior to the competition.

*We ask that all competitors and attendees alike please wear proper footwear at all times to ensure their safety.

*All Dancers, teachers, studios owners, family and audience members are required to comply with all of the rules and regulations set forth by DCE and our hosting venue. Those who do not may be removed from the event either by DCE’s or the hosting venue’s staff.


Dance Champs Elite, its staff, the hotel, theater or site of the competition will not be responsible for any accident or injury that may occur to anyone participating and/or attending these events.  DCE cannot be held responsible for unforeseen flaws in theatre stages that may inadvertently lead to the causing of an accident.  Persons entering the competition and/or participating as a spectator or in any other aspect MUST assume the responsibility for any unforeseen injury.  It is the responsibility of the dance teacher and/or person in charge of the participating entries to educate them and other attendees from their studio as to these rules and policies.

Dance Champs Elite reserves the rights to change, delete, or add to any rules, regulations, or policies at any time deemed necessary.

Please do not hesitate to contact DCE with any other questions or concerns.

Royal Treatment


At each event, studio directors and teachers will have a space to enjoy a quiet moment, some refreshments and coffee. 


At each event we will reserve 2-3 rows at the front of the auditorium specified for our studio directors and teachers to watch all of their amazing performances. 


We love to spoil our royals with a table full of emergency supplies & treats for all studio dancers  convenience.


Our Studio Concierge will greet you at our Check-in Table and take you to your designated dressing areas. they are available to you throughout the weekend.


From Photos to Boomerangs to TikTok, our Social Media prince/princess is there behind the scenes to catch all of the backstage fun and preparation! If you want to be posted on all of our Social Media Platforms, make sure to be Camera Ready when you see them!


We believe that giving this personal interaction, not only forms a sense of familiarity and comfort, but helps them get acclimated with the Stage, ease any nerves and builds confidence. Which ultimately translates into excellent results for their upcoming performances!


Dancers wishing to warm up and be ready for the day is encouraged to join us on stage for our stretch and warm-up class.


Who doesn’t love to know what’s going on and have fun? Our Emcee will keep everyone informed and engaged throughout the competition. In addition, we aim to provide unprecedented customer service before and after the event and welcome the opportunity to answer any question you may have.